Few people have experience with ordering and using a bedwetting alarm. With the videos below, we try to give you enough tools to make the right choice.

The videos are Dutch spoken, but provided with English subtitles.

  • Click on "CC" in the black bar under the YouTube video, next to the gearwheel. A line will appear underneath
  • Click on the Gearwheel (Settings)
  • Select: Subtitles/CC
  • Choose: Auto-translate
  • And select the desired language.

Have fun watching and feel free to contact us for more information.


Vlog #1: How does a bedwetting alarm work?

Do you have no idea how a bedwetting alarm works? After this video, all will be clear.

Vlog #2: The Contessa bedwetting alarm

The Contessa is our bedwetting alarm for the (very) deep sleeper. The operation and benefits of the Contessa bedwetting alarm are clearly explained in this video.

Vlog #3: The Mickey bedwetting alarm

The Mickey is the most child-friendly bedwetting alarm. Discover the possibilities in this video.

Vlog #4: Contessa vs Mickey, the differences explained.

What is the difference between the Contessa and the Mickey bedwetting alarm? This is a frequently asked question. Hopefully this video will shed some light on the differences.

Vlog #5: How do you change the battery of the transmitter?

Sometimes, it's necessary to change the battery in the transmitter of the bedwetting alarm. This video demonstrates how to do this.