We offer various types of bedwetting alarms for curing bedwetting. After all, each child is different and has different sleeping patterns. Within our selection, you will always find the right bedwetting alarm to tackle the problem in a targeted manner. Differences between the bedwetting alarms mostly come down to the (maximum) volume, type of alarms, design, comfort and price.

Overview of the key features of our bedwetting alarms

 ContessaContessa with vibrating elementMickeyContessaContessa with vibrating element
Wireless XXXXX
Loud alarm ++++++++++++++
Vibrating alarm  X  X
Adjustable volume XXXXX
Multiple alarm signals  X  
For normal sleepers  X  
For deep sleepersX   
For very deep sleepers X  


The following videos demonstrate the operation of the bedwetting alarms and how the alarm sounds.

The Mickey bedwetting alarm
The Contessa bedwetting alarm
Contessa vs Mickey


Read more:

The bedwetting alarm kit against bedwetting

The bedwetting alarm training

Renting a bedwetting alarm

Duration of the bedwetting alarm training

The success of Urifoon

When not to start with Urifoon (yet)

Score card